November 24, 2015 at 12:56AM

from Facebook
A story from the #landofcute.

So, Marcus and I are sitting at a table having dinner tonight at a family run Korean restaurant on Yonge St. Behind me on the wall is a painting of Jesus standing in a crowd of people. Marcus looks up at the painting and says “What is that man’s name?” I look behind me and say
“That man’s name is Jesus”
In a loud incredulous voice that moves across the table tops
“Cheeses! That name is so funny Mommy!” And then he said it out loud a few more times before I could get his attention.
“Marcus, it is important that we speak respectfully about Jesus, he is the leader of the Christian people. Hey Marcus! You know how people all over the world celebrate Christmas? When they do that they are celebrating the birth of that man Jesus”
Confused look.
“So, who is Santa Claus?” Omg. I am so confused…..So I start describing who Jesus was, when it occurred to me to tell him that Jesus was Jewish”
More confusion. “But Mommy, how can Jesus be Jewish, we don’t celebrate Christmas”
So I ask him if we should “look Jesus up” I can’t tell you how funny that sounds when you say it out loud.
Well, as many of these stories end, our food arrived. I have to brush up on these skills, Christmas is coming and he is going to have a lot of questions.

In other news tonight Marcus discovered and LOVES Jap Chae, and black bamboo fungus!