from Facebook
I have two tales from the #landofcute The other day I saw the tiniest rose on my rose bush. It was so tender and sweet so I showed it to Marcus. He suggested that I put it in a vase and put it on the dinning table. So I did. I went to show him how nice the table looked and he said “I want to decorate the table too! Close your eyes” When I opened them he had put our globe on the table next to the bud vase. My kid has style and a very large sense of home.
Today, we went to the movies. Why not? It was such a rainy day. I said to him in the car “One day you will take your kids to the movies on a rainy day” “Yeah!” he said “Marcus, do you want to have boys or girls?” “Girls, they are so sweet and nice and they are much smarter than boys”